Exercise Bike Training Programs

October 31, 2017 4 min read


An exercise bikes gives you the chance to workout right in the convenience and comfort of your home. You have all the freedom to control your environment (you can blast music or watch TV wile exercising) as you do your runs and you do not have to worry about the weather outside. 

An exercise bikes gives you the chance to workout right in the convenience and comfort of your home. You have all the freedom to control your environment (you can blast music or watch TV wile exercising) as you do your runs and you do not have to worry about the weather outside. Various exercise bike training programs target various muscle groups, although the very main target are the calfs and thighs. When doing interval training, it is your lower back and triceps that get the most of your workouts.
So what are your options on exercise bike training programs? Let’s look at a few of them.
Beginner Training Plans

If you are new to working out with working out with an exercise bike, it is best that you start with basic training plans. This will get your body acquainted to the entire routine so you can easily transition to more intense workouts.
Plan #1
This consists of three workouts that you do in a week. Make sure that you have a rest day in between your workout days.

  • Day 1: Ride the bike at an easy pace for 30 minutes, pedaling at about 90 revolutions in a minute (RPM).
  • Day 2: Ride the bike at an easy pace for 15 minutes as your warmup then go faster for 5 minutes (more than 100 RPM). Take a slower pace (less than 80 RPM) for the next 5 minutes. Do this twice then cool down by riding the bike for 10 minutes at an easy pace.
  • Day 3: Ride the bike for 45 minutes at a speed of 90 RPM.

Plan #2
Just like the first plan. This consists of three workout days that you will perform in a single week. This just has more duration and intensity which are very important elements in bike training. Again, make sure to a lot a rest day between each workout.

  • Day 1: Ride at an easy pace for 15 minutes as your warmup. For two minutes, stand up on the pedals and pedal intensely. Follow with 4 minutes of easy pedaling (less than 80 RPM) as your recovery. Repeat this four times.
  • Day 2: Ride the bike at 90 RPM for 45 minutes.
  • Day 3: Ride at an easy pace for 15 minutes as your warmup. Follow with 5 minutes of faster cadence then 5 minutes of slower cadence. Repeat this four times before cooling down at an easy pace for 10 minutes.

Plan #3
This is the most advanced among the three, consisting of four workouts that you will do over a course of a week. When you workout for 2 consecutive days, make sure that at least one of the workouts is at an easier pace.

  • Day 1: Do a 15 minute warmup then do 6 minutes of pedaling at more than 100 RPM. Follow this up with 6 minutes of pedaling at less than 80 RPM. Repeat this four times and end with a cool down for 10 minutes at an easy pace.
  • Day 2: Ride the exercise bike for 60 minutes at 90 RPM.
  • Day 3: Warm up for 15 minutes on easy pedaling. Do one minute sprinting then 3 minutes of easy pedaling for recovery. Do this seven times then cool down for 10 minutes at an easy pace.
  1. Day 4: Ride the bike for 60 minutes at 90 RPM.

Interval Training Plans
Once you are already well-acquainted with bike training, you may now move on to more intense workout. The most popular is interval training. This training is deemed as the best way to use an exercise bike, giving you the most workout benefits in the shortest amount of time.
Plan #1
This training program will build you up to intensity training slowly, gradually becoming more intense over time. The first high intensity burst is done at a moderate pace, slowly adding more effort until you reach your maximum performance.
Warm up on the bike for 90 seconds.
Start your first intensity burst for 30 seconds then go an easy pace for the next 90 seconds.
Start with another burst that has more intensity than the first then go easy for 90 seconds.
Do this routine for 20 to 30 minutes.
Plan #2
If you already have experienced doing interval training workouts, then you can head on to this plan. This is an intermediate workout to get you in a higher gear.
Warm up on the bike for 90 seconds.
Start with intense effort for 8 seconds and follow with 12 seconds of easy pacing.
Repeat this as much as you can in at least 20 minutes
Plan #3
This is an advanced interval training workout that starts with a short intense effort, followed with easy pacing. The following intensity bursts go longer before working your way back down.
Warm up on the bike for 90 seconds.
Do intense effort for 8 seconds then follow this up with 45 seconds of easy pacing.
Do intense pacing for 10 seconds than slow down for 45 seconds.
The next one goes for 15 seconds then 20 seconds, each with 45 seconds of easy pacing.
Wind down your intensity paces back to 15, 10, then 8 seconds, each with 45 seconds of easy pacing.
Rest your body for 2 minutes then do this set 3 times more.
Plan #4
This interval training program is perfect for beginners. This starts with a short intensity workout followed with longer ones.
Start with a high intensity workout for 10 seconds and follow with 60 seconds of easy pacing.
Increase your intensity pace to 15 seconds then to 20 seconds, each with a recovery of 60 seconds.
Do another 20-second intense workout.
Rest your body for 2 minutes and repeat the entire workout.
End with 10 minutes of warming down.
Remember to start low and slow with your workouts. Once you get the gist of it, you can gradually increase your workout time and intensity until you reach your maximum performance.
